Category – Tips and Tricks

Make Your Summer School a Success with Jupyter and Chameleon

Organizing a summer school, bootcamp or workshop this summer? Having trouble finding a consistent and predictable environment? Learn all about how to use the Chameleon JupyterHub artifact to configure resources (including GPUs!) and create a shared Jupyter notebook computing environment that any event attendee can use. You can manage users, deploy Chameleon resources, and use the Help Desk throughout your event!

Turn Your Hardware into a Chameleon Associate Site with CHI-in-a-Box

Do you have a research cluster with an inflexible interface? Does it not provide the level of access (root) you need to run repeatable experiments? Would you like a well-defined and easy way to contribute under-used resources to the community? Learn what it takes to set up a Chameleon associate site which will give you access to industry-standard APIs, best practices and automation to run a research testbed, and support from the Chameleon team for you and your users.

Cloud-Wrangling with Chameleon's Python Library

Chances are, if you're using Chameleon today, you're probably utilizing either the GUI or the CLI (or a mixture of both.) Did you know there's a Python library that makes it easy to script your Chameleon experiments? In January we announced the public release of python-chi, the official Python library for CHI (Chameleon Infrastructure), which is exactly that. Read on to learn all about python-chi and how to easily use it to experiment on Chameleon.

Setting Up an Associate Site: An Interview With Northwestern University

Sit down with Fei Yeh, an associate researcher with the International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR) at Northwestern University, to learn how a Chameleon associate site was set up, how you can use it, and his experience.

Interactive and Repeatable Experiments on Chameleon with Jupyter Notebook

As another semester begins, we’ve rounded up a series of fully packaged experiments on Chameleon. These experiments are all publicly available on Trovi, Chameleon’s sharing platform. The experiments can be used for classes to introduce different topics, tools, or datasets, or serve as an introduction to provisioning resources on Chameleon with Jupyter Notebook. Once you launch an experiment, you can edit the notebook, allowing individual experimentation, and letting you introduce variation, such as trying different resources or datasets.

Tickets of the Year: Solutions to Your 2020 (Ticket) Problems

Is your instance not launching? Are your Floating IPs drifting aimlessly through the ether? Do you have a PI eligibility request? Chameleon tickets are the fastest way to reach the Chameleon support team and receive assistance for all your testbed needs. It’s 2020. Everyone could use a little extra help. 

As 2021 and Oscars season approaches, the Chameleon team has compiled “Tickets of the Year” designed to help you avoid (at least some of) the same stumbling blocks of 2020. Read on to learn about some of the most common tickets, their solutions, and some special ticket award categories. You …

Trovi: the Google Drive for Chameleon Experiments

Trovi is the next iteration of the Chameleon experiment management and sharing platform. With Trovi, you can set up and configure your experimental environment from within a Jupyter notebook, document and save your experiment similarly in notebook form, and privately share it with collaborators or publish it for any Chameleon user to build on. Learn more inside!

Packaging Experiments for Reproducibility

Chameleon integrates directly with Jupyter Notebook to provide an experimental environment that has everything you could need for research - a cloud testbed, a way to combine actionable code with written documentation, and sharing capabilities through Zenodo. Learn more about how to take advantage of all these capabilities and package your notebooks for publishing. 

Managing Multiple External Links Stitched to a Single Chameleon Network

We have created and shared a new Jupyter notebook that shows a better way to combine standard isolated Chameleon networks with DirectStitch capabilities. This more advanced method shows how to separate management of the stitched links from the compute nodes.