OneDataShare: Democratizing Access to Data

We hope everybody had a lovely Juneteenth! Our User Experiment Blog is coming out slightly late this month due to the holiday but good things come to those who wait ;-). In this month’s blog we are talking with Jacob Goldverg, a student at University of Buffalo who used Chameleon to investigate how we can efficiently move large amounts of data while minimizing energy consumption.

Chameleon Changelog for May 2023

This month was all about trying to understand better how our users use Chameleon  for research and education. We were delighted to see many of you at University of Chicago for the Chameleon User Meeting and even more wowed when we assembled together all the amazing research papers produced by our community. 

Using Chameleon for HPC Education: an OpenMP Tutorial

This month we present an interview with Jose Monsalve Diaz who is using Chameleon for HPC education. Jose and his colleagues developed an OpenMP tutorial that has been presented at multiple conferences, received an honorable mention by the Better Scientific Software Fellowship, and has lowered the barrier to participation in HPC for many who would not have had access to acquiring this type of knowledge otherwise. The blog discusses the challenges of teaching high-performance computing, explains how an open bare metal platform works to support it, and presents links to the tutorial materials on Chameleon that can help you develop …

Chameleon Changelog for April 2023

As we prepare for the 2023 Chameleon User Meeting, we finish off April with a new Trovi artifact, simple tools to build chameleon images, Xilinx improvements, and blazar client fixes. Don’t forget about the outage at CHI@UC May 7-12.

How to Port your experiments between Chameleon Sites

Best practices for using resources across multiple sites

Chameleon's resources are distributed across multiple sites. If you'd like to move your work between sites, say to take advantage of different hardware, or to find available nodes, good news! It's pretty easy, and this post spells out the details.

Storage Research Experiment Patterns on Chameleon Cloud and Trovi

Today, two UChicago students share with us their thoughts on how to create reproducible experiments in a cost effective manner. Ray Sinurat and Yuyang (Roy) Huang talk about the experiment patterns for storage experiments they created and describe how they can serve as a basis for developing storage experiments. Best of all – they share the experiment patterns with the Chameleon community – we hope you will find them useful! 

Chameleon Changelog for March 2023

It’s been a busy month on Chameleon! We finally have Fabric stitching at CHI@TACC, improvements for educational use, trovi roles, improvements to JupyterLab, and CHI-in-a-box updates.

Announcing Chameleon User Meeting Keynote: Fraida Fund will Talk about Teaching with Testbeds

We are delighted to announce the keynote speaker for the Chameleon User Meeting: Fraida Fund will give a keynote entitled "A Roadmap to Deeper Learning Using Research Infrastructure". Fraida is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and has extensive experience in using open access experimental platforms for research as well as teaching. She will share with us several ways to use experimental research infrastructure to create meaningful and engaging experiential learning opportunities.