The Practical Reproducibility Opportunity

In today’s Tips & Tricks post we explore the idea of practical reproducibility: how to make experiments not only reproducible but reproducible in a practical way, i.e. making it as natural to play with science as it is today to read about it via publications. To make this happen we need your help – your experiments packaged in a way that will allow others to easily build upon them by extending them. Let us know what you think!

Chameleon Changelog for February 2023

This changelog is packed! The Chameleon User Meeting Call for Presentations is out, and we have new storage FAST’23 experiment artifacts. We finally have an Ubuntu 22 appliance, and many upgrades to the images in general, more GUI improvements, a faster portal, and CHI-in-a-box is easier to get started with.

Chameleon User Meeting: Call for Presentations is up!

The Call for Presentations at the Chameleon User Meeting is out! We invite you to share your resaerch as well as your experiences working with the Chameleon testbed! As in prior years, to facilitate this discussion we are soliciting proposals for brief presentations (15-20 minutes) based on your resaerch or education work with Chameleon. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is April, 3rd, 2023 and as in prior years the top ten submissions will be awarded travel support to the meeting. 

SC: The largest Reproducibility Laboratory

Today we share a very unique user experience -- a conversation with Rafael Tolosana Calasanz who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics of the University of Zaragoza, Spain and has participated in the reproducibility initiative at SC. Rafael shares with us his experiences reproducing artifacts on Chameleon and his insights on reproducibility and its importance to the modern scientific process. 

Chameleon at FAST

Chameleon will organize two BOFs on the topic of reproducibily at the USENIX FAST'23 conference.

The BOFs will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday 02/21-22 to discuss how to best package storage experiments on Chameleon for reproducibility. We will present several experiments patterns that should help you package your own experiments as well as actual packaged experiments for reproducing. Chameleon staff will be around to answer questions and provide technical help in packaging and reproducing experiments. 

SAVE THE DATE: Chameleon User Meeting

The date for the Chameleon User Meeting in Chicago has been set to May 2-3. We will be back very soon with a full announcement and call for presentations but in the meantime please block the time in your calendar because we are all looking forward to seeing you here! 

Chameleon Changelog for January 2023

Great news in Chameleon-land! We’re kicking off the new year with upgrades and fixes to JupyterHub, and usability improvements to the web dashboard Horizon – and save the date for the first post-pandemic in-person Chameleon User Meeting! 

Experiment Pattern: Bastion Host

The easiest way to deploy a secure cluster for scientific research

We go over the benefits of using a bastion host to administer your cluster. It's the easiest way to deploy a secure cluster of hosts for your experiments, and it also helps to save resources!

Tensor Analysis

This month's user experiment blog covers some interesting work on tensor analysis from researchers at Arizona State University.

Chameleon Changelog for December 2022

This has been a fantastic year for Chameleon and we go over all the major features the project acquired. We also have a couple of new tidbits: the long awaited CHI@Edge Xena upgrade which will be interesting to our edge users and an announcement of the Chameleon JupyterHub infrastructure upgrade coming up first thing in the New Year. Have a fantastic Holiday and Happy New Year!