Category – Announcements

Summer with Chameleon

Using Chameleon for student interns, REUs or summer courses? Sign up for a series of webinars that introduce the platform, including CHI@Edge, the edge computing platform, on June 8th and 9th. 

CHI@Edge Community Workshop Report

Interested in using Chameleon for edge computing? We've released our report on the very first CHI@Edge community workshop that happened in September! Learn about some of our early users' research and our top takeaways from the first few months of operating an edge testbed. 

IndySCC 2021 on Chameleon

This year Chameleon hosted the IndySCC competition, analogous to the in-person Student Cluster Competition (SCC) of Supercomputing. Teams use cloud/shared resources to optimize a variety of HPC workloads in order to complete the most computations during a 48 hour final, all while staying below a strict power cap. Learn more about the compettion, Chameleon's support, and where you can see the results. 


Attending SC21? Check out the initiatives Chameleon is supporting including workshops, papers written using Chameleon, and more! If you’re presenting something at SC21 and not on this list, send us an email!

Announcing Chameleon Live!

Join us on Friday, October 22 at 1.30p CT for Chameleon Live - an informal webinar where the Chameleon team will showcase the newest features of the testbed and answer questions from the community. Think of it as office hours to learn all about Chameleon updates and how to use them! Register and submit questions here:

Chameleon on the Networking Channel

Tune in October 27 at 8a PST on the networking channel to hear Chameleon Lead PI Kate Keahey and DevOps lead Jason Anderson speak about how to use Chameleon to run experiments spanning edge devices and the cloud! Learn more: 

Chameleon@Edge Community Workshop

Date: September 9, 2021

Location: The workshop will take place online, registered attendees will receive details closer to the event date.

Registration: The registration is free and the workshop is open to all, but please bear in mind that registration will close on August 31st. Register at:

For more details, the call for participation, and agenda, please refer to the announcements page!

Chameleon Hackathon 2021 -- Experiments Reproducibility and Packagability

Call For Participations

The Chameleon team is excited to hold our first Chameleon Hackathon event sometime in the 4th week of August or 1st week of September.  This year’s hackathon will focus on reproducing and packaging experiments on the Chameleon platform.  In this Call for Participations, we would like to survey Chameleon users who are interested in joining this hackathon. Please continue reading and fill out the Google form at the very end.