Articles by Marc Richardson

Announcing Virtual Reproducibility Hackathon – December 15th, 2023 – HOLD THE DATE

Learning how to produce reproducible experiments on Chameleon

We are excited to announce our Virtual Reproducibility Hackathon taking place on Friday, December 15th, 2023! See the details below for more information.

Chameleon presents AutoLearn, IndySCC'23 success, and more at SC'23

Chameleon talks, papers, posters, and more - all to be found at SC'23

Attending SC’23? Check out the initiatives Chameleon is supporting at the event including workshops, papers written using Chameleon, and more! If you’re presenting something related to Chameleon at SC’23 and not on this list, send us an email – we will update this announcement with relevant information as we get it.
