SAVE THE DATE: November 18, 2024 - Reproducibility Workshop in Atlanta, GA

Community Workshop on Practical Reproducibility - Monday, November 18, 2024 - Atlanta GA

As the digital age accelerates, the importance of reproducibility in computational science has never been more critical. This year, we are thrilled to announce a workshop focusing on the theme of "Practical Reproducibility" in Computer Science. Scheduled for November 18, 2024, at Terminus 330 in Atlanta, this full-day workshop promises to be a milestone event in advancing the science of reproducibility.

The workshop aims to bridge the gap between theoretical reproducibility and its practical application. Our focus will be on sharing reproducible digital artifacts, addressing challenges of reproducing research, and fostering a robust dialogue about the tools, services, and approaches that best support these endeavors.

What to Expect

  • Participants will hear from authors and reviewers who have participated in and developed reproducibility initiatives, sharing insights and lessons learned. Expect a rich program that includes keynote speeches, presentations of reproducible artifacts, and engaging panel discussions.
  • The workshop will also serve as a platform to seed a community repository of reproducible digital artifacts, enhancing collective access to and utilization of these resources.
  • Attendees will have a unique opportunity to engage with a broader community of researchers and practitioners, expanding the conversation around reproducibility in computational sciences.

Mark Your Calendars! Don’t miss the chance to be part of this essential conversation at the intersection of computer science and reproducibility. Whether you are a researcher, a practitioner, or a stakeholder in the scientific community, your participation will contribute to a pivotal shift towards more robust scientific methods.

Stay Informed as we finalize the details of our agenda, featured speakers, and registration information. We will post future announcements relating to the workshop in our blog to ensure you receive all the necessary information as soon as it becomes available.

For any inquiries, or to express your interest in presenting or attending, please contact us at

Announcing Chameleon User Meeting Keynote: Fraida Fund will Talk about Teaching with Testbeds

We are delighted to announce the keynote speaker for the Chameleon User Meeting: Fraida Fund will give a keynote entitled "A Roadmap to Deeper Learning Using Research Infrastructure". Fraida is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and has extensive experience in using open access experimental platforms for research as well as teaching. She will share with us several ways to use experimental research infrastructure to create meaningful and engaging experiential learning opportunities.

The Practical Reproducibility Opportunity

In today’s Tips & Tricks post we explore the idea of practical reproducibility: how to make experiments not only reproducible but reproducible in a practical way, i.e. making it as natural to play with science as it is today to read about it via publications. To make this happen we need your help – your experiments packaged in a way that will allow others to easily build upon them by extending them. Let us know what you think!

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