We had a busy month at Super Computing earlier this month and with IndySCC. We also have been preparing for a virtual reproducibility hackathon next month. Changes this month include improvements to resource reservations, CHI-in-a-box, appliance fixes, and JupyterHub updates.
This month, we’ve been working on improving the testbed with updates to CHI@Edge device OSes, Trovi, the help desk, and a CC-snapshot bug-fix.
This month, we ran a hackathon at IC2E, new devices at CHI@Edge, improved CHI@Edge networking, and fixed issues with network leases, project management, cc-snapshot, and Doni.
This month on Chameleon, we are excited to announce the Fount project, 52 new Ice Lake nodes at CHI@TACC, multi-node launch improvements, and improvements for CHI-in-a-Box site operators.
Happy Birthday to Chameleon – and many happy returns of the day! It is hard to believe it has been 8 years working with our amazing user community, hearing about your research, reading your papers, and generally watching amazing science being done every day. In this month’s blog we have a cake, candles, silly hats, balloons – and a tiny little gift. Welcome to the REPETO project that will help us foster practical reproducibility and interactive science – read the changelog to find out more.
This month, we ran a reproducibility hackathon at ACM REP ‘23, and focused on reproducibility efforts.
This month was all about trying to understand better how our users use Chameleon for research and education. We were delighted to see many of you at University of Chicago for the Chameleon User Meeting and even more wowed when we assembled together all the amazing research papers produced by our community.
As we prepare for the 2023 Chameleon User Meeting, we finish off April with a new Trovi artifact, simple tools to build chameleon images, Xilinx improvements, and blazar client fixes. Don’t forget about the outage at CHI@UC May 7-12.
It’s been a busy month on Chameleon! We finally have Fabric stitching at CHI@TACC, improvements for educational use, trovi roles, improvements to JupyterLab, and CHI-in-a-box updates.
This changelog is packed! The Chameleon User Meeting Call for Presentations is out, and we have new storage FAST’23 experiment artifacts. We finally have an Ubuntu 22 appliance, and many upgrades to the images in general, more GUI improvements, a faster portal, and CHI-in-a-box is easier to get started with.