Chameleon Changelog for October 2023
- Nov. 1, 2023 by
- Mark Powers
This month, we’ve been working on improving the testbed with updates to CHI@Edge device OSes, Trovi, the help desk, and a CC-snapshot bug-fix.
This month, we’ve been working on improving the testbed with updates to CHI@Edge device OSes, Trovi, the help desk, and a CC-snapshot bug-fix.
This month, we ran a hackathon at IC2E, new devices at CHI@Edge, improved CHI@Edge networking, and fixed issues with network leases, project management, cc-snapshot, and Doni.
This month, we ran a reproducibility hackathon at ACM REP ‘23, and focused on reproducibility efforts.
As we prepare for the 2023 Chameleon User Meeting, we finish off April with a new Trovi artifact, simple tools to build chameleon images, Xilinx improvements, and blazar client fixes. Don’t forget about the outage at CHI@UC May 7-12.
It’s been a busy month on Chameleon! We finally have Fabric stitching at CHI@TACC, improvements for educational use, trovi roles, improvements to JupyterLab, and CHI-in-a-box updates.
This changelog is packed! The Chameleon User Meeting Call for Presentations is out, and we have new storage FAST’23 experiment artifacts. We finally have an Ubuntu 22 appliance, and many upgrades to the images in general, more GUI improvements, a faster portal, and CHI-in-a-box is easier to get started with.
Great news in Chameleon-land! We’re kicking off the new year with upgrades and fixes to JupyterHub, and usability improvements to the web dashboard Horizon – and save the date for the first post-pandemic in-person Chameleon User Meeting!
This has been a fantastic year for Chameleon and we go over all the major features the project acquired. We also have a couple of new tidbits: the long awaited CHI@Edge Xena upgrade which will be interesting to our edge users and an announcement of the Chameleon JupyterHub infrastructure upgrade coming up first thing in the New Year. Have a fantastic Holiday and Happy New Year!
We hope everybody's had a great Thanksgiving! We've been busy bees this month supporting IndySCC and the many supercomputing projects and demos but still have a little something we can all be thankful for: we now have InfiniBand on the A100 nodes so you can build sophisticated data systems of components connected via RDMA fabric -- and we also have better filters for hardware so you can find those components more easily!
Things were pretty scary yesterday but we managed to pull a few tricks and bring you some new treats to enjoy in November! Between new Fugaku nodes, the ability to experiment with SGX, and a better way to work with networking at CHI@Edge, we hope to keep you busy and entertained this next month!