Articles by Adam Cooper

Chameleon Images Overview

This month's Tips & TricksĀ blog is an overview of one of the most critical components to experimentation on Chameleon: images! We explore everything that makes a Chameleon image unique, and how you can build your own images!

Experiment Pattern: Bastion Host

The easiest way to deploy a secure cluster for scientific research

We go over the benefits of using a bastion host to administer your cluster. It's the easiest way to deploy a secure cluster of hosts for your experiments, and it also helps to save resources!

Tickets of the Year: 2022

As has become holiday tradition, we review some of our most common tickets of 2022, and provide answers and context that we hope is a helpful gift for all of our experimenters in the coming year.

We're hiring!

We're hiring a research software engineer to join the Chameleon team!
