Category – Chameleon Changelog

Chameleon Changelog for October 2018

New Chameleon Associate Site, new experimental services, lots of upgrades and Call for Presenations and Demonstrations at the Chameleon User Meeting -- there is no end of goodies we have for you this month!

Chameleon Changelog for September 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land!

Jupyter notebook support, improvements for Software Defined Networking experiments, and more usability improvements -- read more to find out what all we have cooked up in the month of September!

Chameleon Changelog for August 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land: better way to manage leases, publish appliances, and user interface improvements -- and on top of that hardware contribution from one of our users and an alpha version of CHI-in-a-box!

Chameleon Changelog for July 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land!

We’ve been busy in July and added new hardware, support for whole disk image boot for ARM64 nodes, lease end alerts and Bring Your Own Controller (BYOC) support at TACC!


Chameleon Changelog for June 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land!

We’ve had an outstanding June with many hard won features coming to successful completion and thus have a few fireworks to brighten your Holiday! Our new features make possible new groundbreaking networking experiments, make the testbed easier to use for distributed experiments, provide new ways of measuring power consumption, and bring you new hardware to experiment with. Read on to learn about the details!

Chameleon Changelog for May 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land!

I hope everybody is enjoying the nice weather and hopefully a more relaxed schedule for the summer! Read on to find out what we’ve been up to last month.

Chameleon Changelog for April 2018

Great news in Chameleon-land!


Here are the most important features we added since the public release of our new hardware in mid-March: