Category – Chameleon Changelog

Chameleon Changelog for February 2021

Winter's almost over! This month we have a lot of announcements, notably a big facelift for CHI-in-the-Box, the packaging of Chameleon, but also a new interactive handbook for Chameleon and some nice KVM capabilities.

Chameleon Changelog for January 2021

Hey! It's your friendly neighborhood Chameleon changelog, back from a long vacation. This month we announce general availability for CHI@NU, new Cascade Lake racks at CHI@TACC, and more!

2020 End-of-year Changelog

We'd like to take a brief moment to reflect with gratitude on what went right this year, at least in the (small) realm of our work on this research testbed. So here’s one year in review, representing combined “changelog” information from the entire year.

Chameleon Access via Federated Login Coming Soon!

The way you access the testbed will change -- for the bettter! You will be able to access the testbed via federated login allowing you to log in with your instritutional credentails or even your Google account -- read about the impact and schedule of this important change! 

Chameleon Changelog for February 2020

Introducing a new networking capability: connect your Chameleon networks directly to AWS networks via DirectConnect! And, we discuss the addition of 40 new GPU cards at CHI@UC.

Chameleon Changelog for December 2019

From everyone at Chameleon, we hope you had a pleasant holiday and welcome to the new year! Details inside about new HTTPS capabilities and important webinar/conference dates to kick things off in 2020.

Chameleon Changelog for October 2019

There is a poem about the 5th of November, but sadly I couldn't find a way to adapt it for this changelog. Anyways, learn about our new KVM cloud! And we also packed in a few other goodies this month.

Chameleon Changelog for September 2019

Welcome to October, and a new (academic) year for all of you! Over the summer we’ve been working on some cool new things and are now happy to release them into the world for your use and enjoyment. In particular, say hello to the new Sharing Portal.