Articles by Kate Keahey

NSF Announces New Cloud Testbed

The National Science Foundation announces an award for the Chameleon cloud testbed.

The National Science Foundation announced today two NSFCloud awards to create testbeds for cloud computing research – among them, the Chameleon project. We are proud and excited to be a part of an initiative that will shape and accelerate cloud computing research and are looking forward to working with the research community!

Chameleon will be launching soon

Updated September 1, 2015: The transitional support for FutureGrid has ended. To request a Chameleon Account or Project please follow the Getting Started Guide.

The Chameleon Cloud will be available to users soon!

Chameleon will initially provide OpenStack deployments using hardware from the Alamo and Hotel FutureGrid clusters. This will allow FutureGrid users performing cloud research to continue their work with minimal disruption and allow us to welcome new users.
