Articles by Kate Keahey

Summer with Chameleon

Using Chameleon for student interns, REUs or summer courses? Sign up for a series of webinars that introduce the platform, including CHI@Edge, the edge computing platform, on June 8th and 9th. 

Using Chameleon for Artifact Evaluation

Increasingly more computer science systems conferences are using Chameleon for artifact evaluation. Learn more about how to use Chameleon for reproducibility; including tips both for organizers of these events and artifact authors. 

Chameleon Access via Federated Login Coming Soon!

The way you access the testbed will change -- for the bettter! You will be able to access the testbed via federated login allowing you to log in with your instritutional credentails or even your Google account -- read about the impact and schedule of this important change! 

Four More Years of Chameleon

We are happy to announce that the Chameleon project has been extended for another 4 years! 

That’s four more years of working with a creative and talented user community that always wants to go someplace impossible – and takes us with them! 

The next four years will bring us integration with IoT, support for more innovative networking experiments, innovative new hardware, and even more support for reproducibility and experiment sharing. Read all about it in:

We are SO looking forward to continuing to provide a platform for your research -- and learning about all the hot and cool things …

Chameleon use for COVID-19 projects

Most of you have probably seen the NSF Dear Colleague Letter regarding resource contributions of NSF-funded infrastructure to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) research. We have obtained permission from NSF to join this effort and extend the range of Chameleon supported projects to include projects working on how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19 for a limited time. 

Back to School Chameleon Webinars

Welcome back -- we have some exciting activities to celebrate the new school year. As you settle in, don’t forget to pencil in our upcoming webinars.

Save the Planet, Use Fewer IPs

IPv4 address exhaustion, along with natural resources depletion and global warming, has long been recognized as one of the greatest environmental threats facing humanity. Read on to learn how to keep floating IPs afloat! 

Chameleon Changelog for January 2019

To help you start the year off on the right foot we offer lots of improvements in VLAN management, experiment automation, and usability. And we are really looking forward to meeting many of you at the User Meeting in Austin next week and discussing all the innovations in person! 

The 2nd Chameleon User Meeting

We would like to invite you to come to the Chameleon User Meeting to be held on February 6-7, 2019 in Austin, TX at the Texas Advanced Computing Center on the University of Texas J.J. Pickle Research Campus.

Chameleon Changelog for October 2018

New Chameleon Associate Site, new experimental services, lots of upgrades and Call for Presenations and Demonstrations at the Chameleon User Meeting -- there is no end of goodies we have for you this month!
