Announcing Digital Educational Artifact, autonomous vehicles at the edge


Join us on Tuesday, August 1st at 10 AM CT for a webinar that showcases how to teach machine learning using inexpensive and easy to find self-driving cars. We will present an educational module that allows students to configure an inexpensive off-the-shelf self-driving vehicle, generate training sets by driving the vehicle, and train models based on those driving sets, evaluate the quality of the training by observing the car in practice, and ultimately refine the training and watch the improvements.

The educational module is integrated with Chameleon resources; it leverages CHI@Edge to add the car to the testbed and used Chameleon’s GPUs to train the datasets. It includes notebooks that implement resource allocation and all the programming necessary to enact the exercises, as well as documentation -- for students as well as teachers -- on how to run class exercises and adapt them to student needs. It also includes a comprehensive set of instructions on what is needed to replicate the exact same class configuration.

The educational module is suitable for both educators and self-learners, open-source, and it can be highly configurable for specific classes based on individual or classroom needs. This webinar will demonstrate an end-to-end educational module that aims to bridge the gap between theory abstractions and practice in an easy-to-follow manner. – please, check the registration link here.

See you there!

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