OSRE24 - Benchmarking Drift Management Approaches

This is a Trovi artifact that allows the experiments for this benchmark [https://ucsc-ospo.github.io/report/osre24/anl/last/20240610-williamn/] to be easily reproduced.

24 14 6 2 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:02 PM


Launch on Chameleon

Launching this artifact will open it within Chameleon’s shared Jupyter experiment environment, which is accessible to all Chameleon users with an active allocation.

Download Archive

Download an archive containing the files of this artifact.

Download with git

Clone the git repository for this artifact, and checkout the version's commit

git clone https://github.com/williamnixon20/osre-drift.git
# cd into the created directory
git checkout 75faf75d965608d84d90ec610a8c14ad7de34476

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Version Stats

24 14 6