Hello, Chameleon
This profile creates an m1.small
VM with 1 floating IP at KVM@TACC.
It is intended as an introductory tutorial for Chameleon.
Click "Launch on Chameleon", then follow the instructions in hello-chameleon/hello_chameleon.ipynb
to launch your instance.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2231984 and Grant No. 2230079.
Launching this artifact will open it within Chameleon’s shared Jupyter experiment environment, which is accessible to all Chameleon users with an active allocation.
Download ArchiveDownload an archive containing the files of this artifact.
Download with git
Clone the git repository for this artifact, and checkout the version's commit
git clone https://github.com/teaching-on-testbeds/hello-chameleon
# cd into the created directory
git checkout 2e40345fa806a6897744bf8de3c671a8aba5b60f
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