Scheduled downtime for authentication systems

Resolved Posted by Adam Cooper on August 23, 2022
Outage start Tuesday, September 06, 2022 11 a.m.
Expected end Tuesday, September 06, 2022 12 p.m.

We will be taking down our authentication services for 1 hour in order to migrate them to a new host. 


What will be affected:

Using openstack commands, user portal, horizon dashboard (GUI for reservations, instances, networks, etc.), Jupyter, Trovi, anything that requires you to authenticate with your Chameleon/Federated identity. This will affect all of our sites. This means that you should make sure any leases scheduled to expire at this time should be renewed in advance, and extended beyond that time.


What will not be affected:

Any running instances/networks/etc. will not be interrupted. You will be able to SSH to these nodes during the outage as long as your keys have been loaded on to them before the outage.