Posted by Kate Keahey on August 22, 2019

Welcome back -- the start of a new academic year is always exciting: just think of all the new research, new discoveries, and new projects it will bring! There will be new papers to write, new classes to teach, and new students to onboard. 

Talking about those new projects and classes – will you a large cluster, GPUs, or reconfigurable networks? If you are reading this message you probably know that Chameleon can help with that – but do your students and collaborators know as well? To help everybody start the new school year right we have scheduled two introductory webinars to Chameleon to coincide with the beginning of the year – and one advanced webinar for networking researchers. 

As always, if you’d like to schedule a custom webinar for your department or collaborative group, please do let us know!

Introduction to Chameleon

Tuesday, August 27    2-3pm CT

Click to Register


Programmable Network Experiments: Software Defined Networking (Open Flow)

Tuesday, September 10    2-3pm CT

Click to Register


Introduction to Chameleon

Tuesday, October 08    2-3pm CT

Click to Register


Have a great year!