Chameleon Webinars

The Chameleon team hosts webinars on a variety of topics ranging from how to use the testbed to open sessions soliciting user questions and feedback. Register for an upcoming webinar below, experience previous webinars through the recordings, or explore the Chameleon Youtube channel for additional demos and how-to's.

Upcoming Webinars

There are no webinars scheduled currently, please check back later.
See our planned upcoming webinars below
Title Date Description

Past Webinars

Previous webinars with recordings (if available)

Hello, Chameleon! (Introduction)

Title Date Description
Introduction to Chameleon June 11, 2024 A fresh take on our basic Chameleon introduction webinar: all the things you need to know to get started, guides users through creating their first instance, and how to get help and become part of the community.
Chameleon Mastery for SC24 Submissions April 25, 2024 The tutorial covers an introduction to Chameleon and its support resources, experiment orchestration using various tools, and sharing artifacts via Trovi for collaborative and reproducible research.
Summer with Chameleon 2022 (Tutorial Series) June 17, 2022 The webinars cover an introduction to Chameleon and its community, an overview of resources and best practices for data science projects, packaging reproducible experiments using Jupyter and Trovi, and introducing CHI@Edge capabilities for edge to cloud experiments.

CLIs, Juypters, python-chis, Oh My! (Experiment Development & Orchestration)

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Experiment Orchestration with Jupyter, python-chi, and more on Chameleon June 11, 2024 Dive into the templates, interfaces, and tools that Chameleon offers to help you design and execute your experiments on our hardware. We’ll discuss our python-chi library for programmatic testbed orchestration as well as our CLI and how to use both for leases, setting up environments, launching instances, and more.
Automated Deployment | Presenter: Mauricio Tavares July 16, 2020 Previous webinars have shown how to automate the orchestration of an experiment from allocating the resources to building the lab to running the experiment and tearing it all down using Heat Templates. This webinar will demonstrate how to use heat templates to automatically deploy experiments when a reservation becomes active. We will use Chameleon’s new Automatic Deployment mechanism to start a reservation and deploy the experiment without human intervention.
Orchestration: Heat Templates | Presenter: Mauricio Tavares May 21, 2020 In previous webinars we saw how to create and run an experiment using Jupyter Notebooks and automate configuring an experiment in multiple servers inside a custom network using Ansible. This time, we will raise the bar once again and use a heat template to create the entire experiment -- reservation, servers, network, experiment -- without human intervention besides starting the build process. You will leave this webinar knowing what a heat template is, how to write one, and how to set up a reservation in the future that will automatically create your experiment from scratch at the reserved time.
Orchestration: Jupyter Notebooks | Presenter: Mauricio Tavares Mar. 12, 2020 Many users know how to create an experiment using the Chameleon graphics interface, but Jupyter Notebooks allows users the added benefit of doing that in a reproducible and documented way? In this webinar, we will orchestrate an experiment -- from resource allocation to gathering and visualizing the results to tearing it down -- using Jupyter Notebooks.
Programmable Networks: Software Defined Networking (OpenFlow) | September 10, 2019 Sept. 16, 2019 Chameleon’s Bring Your Own Controller (BYOC) functionality enables tenants to create isolated network switches managed using OpenFlow controllers provided by the user. This webinar will demonstrate how to use Chameleon’s BYOC capabilities and provide tips and tricks to getting the most out of networking experiments.

Taking Research to the Edge (CHI@Edge and Edge to Cloud Experiments)

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CHI@Edge June 13, 2024 Learn about CHI@Edge, an edge computing platform by Chameleon. This tutorial covers the edge component of Chameleon, providing insights into deploying and managing edge devices for research and experimentation. Hosted by Marc Richardson and Soufiane Jounaid, this session is perfect for those interested in leveraging edge computing for innovative projects.
Digital Educational Artifact, Autonomous vehicles at the Edge Aug. 1, 2023 In this webinar, we presented an educational module that allows students to configure a self-driving vehicle, generate and refine training sets, and evaluate the models using Chameleon resources, including CHI@Edge and GPUs, with comprehensive notebooks and documentation for both students and teachers.
CHI@Edge: a testbed for edge/IoT research May 2, 2022 In this video, you'll learn about Chameleon's new edge/IoT testbed, CHI@Edge. One very important feature of the testbed is that you can enroll your existing edge devices, allowing you to leverage the testbed's capabilities for container provisioning, resource sharing, and reservation/isolation. It allows you to transform an existing edge device in to a full-fledged research instrument!
CHI@Edge Workshop: Edge Intelligence and Its Application in Healthcare and CAVs by Weisong Shi Oct. 10, 2021 Hear Weisong Shi's keynote on Edge Intelligence and Its Application in Healthcare and CAVs from the CHI@Edge Workshop September 2021.
CHI@Edge Workshop: Session 1 Presentations and Discussion Oct. 8, 2021 Hear from users about how the research they're conducting on CHI@Edge including: 1. Driving Autonomous Cars with CHI@Edge, Rick Anderson (Rutgers University), Sahithi Ankireddy (California Institute of Technology), Isaac Darling (University of Chicago), Michael Sherman (University of Chicago) 2. CHI@Edge as a baseline platform for ARA wireless living lab, Hongwei Zhang (Iowa State University), Taimoor UI Islam (Iowa State University) 3. One Fish, Two Fish: Choosing Optimal Edge Topologies for Real-Time Autonomous Fish Surveys, Jonathan Tsen (FATEC Shunji Nishimura), Leonardo Bobadilla (Florida International University), Kevin Boswell (Florida International University), and Jason Anderson (University of Chicago) 4. FlyNet: A Platform for Edge-to-Core Workflows, Michael Zink (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Eric Lyons (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
CHI@Edge Workshop: Session 2 Presentations and Discussion Oct. 8, 2021 Hear from users about how the research they're conducting on CHI@Edge including: - Pegasus at the Edge, Ryan Tanaka (University of Southern California), George Papadimitriou (University of Southern California), Ewa Deelman (University of Southern California) - A Feasibility Study for Increasing Pedestrian Safety, Airam Flores (University of Texas at El Paso), Abdullah Imran (University of Texas at El Paso), and Shirley Moore (University of Texas at El Paso) Understanding Reliability on Shared Edge, Haryadi Gunawi (University of Chicago), Junchen Jiang (University of Chicago) - Applications and network measurements for Software Defined Radio on CHI@Edge, Taimoor Islam (Iowa State University), Isaac Darling (University of Chicago), Michael Sherman (University of Chicago)
CHI@Edge Introduction and Demo Oct. 8, 2021 Learn all about CHI@Edge, Chameleon's edge computing testbed, in this presentation by Chameleon Lead PI, Kate Keahey, and Chameleon DevOps Lead, Jason Anderson. Presented September 2021 at the CHI@Edge Workshop.
CHI@Edge Workshop: NSF-CISE Research Infrastructure Activities Keynote by Deep Medhi Oct. 8, 2021 Learn about the NSF-CISE research infrastructure activities in a keynote by Deep Medhi, a Program Director in the Computer & Network Systems (CNS) Division at the National Science Foundation (NSF).
CHI@Edge Webinar 2 June 25, 2021 Learn about Chameleon's new edge computing testbed, CHI@Edge! Learn about upcoming plans, IoT hardware, and see a demo by Chameleon's DevOps lead, Jason Anderson.
CHI@Edge Webinar - replaced by webinar 3! June 11, 2021 Learn about Chameleon's new edge computing testbed, CHI@Edge! Learn about upcoming plans, IoT hardware, and see a demo by Chameleon's DevOps lead, Jason Anderson.

Reproducibility By Default (Trovi & Reproducibile Workflows)

Title Date Description
Interactive Science Made Easy with Chameleon Daypass Nov. 24, 2021 Chameleon offers many tools for reproducibility. You may be familiar with Jupyter Notebooks that integrate into the testbed, allowing you to set up nodes, run code, and gather results all together. These notebooks can be packaged into artifacts, and published to Chameleon’s sharing portal, Trovi, allowing others to launch a copy of the experiment and reproduce it in the same environment. However, only Chameleon users with an active allocation are able to launch these notebooks, which can be a hurdle for new users, since getting started requires PI eligibility. As a solution to this problem, we’ve created Chameleon daypass.
Reproducing Figure 1 of DAWNBench experiment with Tensorflow on Chameleon with Jupyter June 28, 2021 University of Chicago undergraduate student Xinyu Liu reproduces Figure 1 from the DAWNBench experiment with Tensorflow (Paper: during his summer at Chameleon. Unfamiliar with Jupyter Notebook? You can watch this video as a demo of how to use the Jupyter interface to conduct research on Chameleon.
Reproducing the LinnOS experiment on Chameleon with Jupyter June 28, 2021 This video reproduces the LinnOS (Paper: experiment, published at OSDI'20. Unfamiliar with Jupyter Notebook? You can watch this video as a demo of how to use the Jupyter interface to conduct research on Chameleon. You can run the notebook yourself here:
Reproducing AlexNet with Stanford Dogs Dataset on Chameleon using Jupyter June 28, 2021 Interested in machine learning or image recognition? This video reproduces the AlexNet model ( applied to the Stanford Dogs Dataset using Chameleon and the Jupyter interface. Unfamiliar with Jupyter Notebook? You can watch this video as a demo of how to use the Jupyter interface to conduct research on Chameleon. You can run the notebook yourself here:
Reproducing the DTRS experiment from tinyTailFlash on Chameleon with Jupyter June 28, 2021 Princeton PhD student Nanqinqin Li reproduces the DTRS experiment from the tinyTailFlash paper ( during his summer at Chameleon. Unfamiliar with Jupyter Notebook? You can watch this video as a demo of how to use the Jupyter interface to conduct research on Chameleon. You can run his notebook yourself here:
Reproducibility by default: Jupyter on Chameleon May 4, 2020 The Jupyter notebook is an interactive environment that allows users to tell the story of an experiment by combining explanations in text, capturing the process in code, and representing results as images or graphs. the Notebook a particularly useful tool for expressing reproducible experiments because it allows you to record and share the experimental process – as well as the reasoning that went with it -- rather than just the results. Sharing a notebook allows others to easily repeat – and potentially also modify your experiment. This makes “standing on the shoulders of giants” a much easier proposition than ever before. Jupyter is now integrated with the Chameleon testbed. To get started, log in at


Title Date Description
Chameleon Live! Oct. 26, 2021 Hear from Chameleon engineers about the latest testbed updates, including new hardware at the University of Chicago and TACC, hardware catalogue enhancements, CHI@Edge developments, usability improvements, and the Chameleon Day Pass, with quarterly live demos and Q&A sessions.
Chameleon Advanced Topics: Share Your Troubles and We Will Shoot Them! Dec. 19, 2019 If you’re using Chameleon and have questions you’ve always wanted to ask, this is the webinar for you. We will cover the latest tips and tricks on a variety of topics: large-scale deployment, making your experiments replicable, and best ways of getting the exact resources you want from the testbed -- and then we’ll open the floor for your questions. Bring us your troubles; we’ll make sure you leave without them!
Programmable Networks: Software Defined Networking (OpenFlow) | September 10, 2019 Sept. 16, 2019 Chameleon’s Bring Your Own Controller (BYOC) functionality enables tenants to create isolated network switches managed using OpenFlow controllers provided by the user. This webinar will demonstrate how to use Chameleon’s BYOC capabilities and provide tips and tricks to getting the most out of networking experiments.