The pos Experiment Controller: Reproducible & Portable Network Experiments

This experiments outlines how the pos experiment controller can be employed to perform reproducible experiments, using the pos methodology, in different testbeds. To replicate the experiment, please select the appropriate README. To run the experiments on Chameleon, select README.chameleon.ipynb. For a GENI-based testbed, such as cloudlab, use README.cloudlab.ipynb (note that this experiment assumes use of cloudlab Utah).

18 7 - 1 Apr. 22, 2024, 10:24 AM


  • Henning Stubbe, Chair of Network Architectures and Services, Technical University of Munich, Germany (
  • Sebastian Gallenmüller, Chair of Network Architectures and Services, Technical University of Munich, Germany (
  • Georg Carle, Chair of Network Architectures and Services, Technical University of Munich, Germany (
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git clone
# cd into the created directory
git checkout f8436d27222460b4215f9b379e31e987cf27fee2

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