The CentOS 7 SR-IOV MVAPICH2-Virt appliance is built based on OSU-CentOS7-KVM SRIOV appliance and additionally disables CPU frequency scaling to make all cores running at full speed. In this appliance, it also contains a CentOS 7 Virtual Machine image and a VM startup script, so that users can launch VMs with SR-IOV and IVSHMEM in order to run high performance MPI library MVAPICH2-Virt, across these VMs on SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand clusters.
- Image name: OSU-CentOS7-SRIOV-MVAPICH2-Virt
- Default user account: cc
- Remote access: Key-Based SSH
- Root access: passwordless sudo from the cc account
- Chameleon admin access: enabled on the ccadmin account
- Cloud-init enabled on boot: yes
- Repositories (Yum): EPEL, RDO (OpenStack)
- Installed packages:
- Rebuilt kernel to enable IOMMU and disable CPU frequency scaling
- Mellanox SR-IOV drivers for InfiniBand
- KVM hypervisor
- Standard development tools such as make, gcc, gfortran, etc.
- Config management tools: Puppet, Ansible, Salt
- OpenStack command-line clients
- Included VM image name: chameleon-mvapich2-virt-appliance.qcow2
- Included VM startup script:
- Default VM root password: nowlab