DevStack (CentOS 7): Documentation
Appliance Details
Devstack Usage:
- Using ‘cc’ user, source the openrc file in the devstack directory: $ source /home/cc/devstack/openrc
- Execute Openstack command for testing: $ openstack project list
- 4 passwords are set during Openstack installation: Database, Rabbit, Service, and Admin. The passwords can be found in: /home/cc/devstack/.localrc.password
In case of change of Host/IP address: Should you snapshot this image and redeploy on a host with a different private IP address, or should the private IP change for any other reason, Openstack will no longer be able to reach its endpoints. A startup script inside the changed instance must be modified and enabled in order to reconfigure the IP inside the Openstack DB and configuration files. In order to do this, follow these steps:
- Run the command “hostname -I | cut -d’ ’ -f 1”. The IP given in the output must be inserted in the file /home/cc/ as the definition of ‘OLD_IP’.
- Run these commands to enable the startup script:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable ipconfig.service
- Reboot the machine so the script will run. The script will automatically disable itself before the next reboot:
$ sudo systemctl reboot