App Icon JupyterHub

Thank you for your contribution. Your appliance is under review. If it all looks good we will publish it straight away, otherwise we will be in touch with you to make the necessary changes.

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Note: this appliance is deprecated, and is replaced by the JupyterHub Trovi artifact, which has more functionality and is actively maintained and updated.

JupyterHub is a multi-user Jupyter Notebook environment that allows easy management of multiple Notebook servers. You can install this application on a node reserved by Chameleon to allow you to take advantage of additional resources, e.g. a private experiment network you provide or accelerator devices such as GPUs.

This appliance is exposed over the public internet via a TLS-secured endpoint and supports other users logging in with their Chameleon credentials, so you can choose to share the server with other collaborators if you wish.

What is provided

  • one bare metal server provisioned with a default CC-CentOS7 image, on an isolated network
  • one Floating IP assigned to the server
  • JupyterHub pre-configured for login with Chameleon credentials via a TLS-secured endpoint on its Floating IP address

Supported hardware/OS

Should work without modification on compute_haswell and compute_skylake nodes. Can be launched on GPU nodes at CHI@TACC, though the image should be updated from CC-CentOS7 to CC-CentOS7-CUDA10 (or similar) to ensure that CUDA libraries are included. CentOS is the only supported distribution at the moment.


CentOS Jupyter


Get Template


Name: Jason Anderson


Name: Chameleon Project

Version: 1.0.0
Created By:  jason_a on Aug. 20, 2019, 2:32 p.m.
Updated By:  jason_a on Aug. 19, 2022, 2:51 p.m.