CentOS Stream 8
Thank you for your contribution. Your appliance is under review. If it all looks good we will publish it straight away, otherwise we will be in touch with you to make the necessary changes.
Note: If you need to use the previous version of this image at CHI@UC, please contact us via Help Desk.
The CentOS Stream 8 appliance is built from the CentOS Stream 8 Generic Cloud image and additionally contains packages for development, system configuration, and accessing OpenStack services.
The CentOS 8 appliance provides a convenient base image. You can customize it and snapshot it to develop your own appliances.
- Image name: CC-CentOS8-stream
- Default user account: cc
- Remote access: Key-Based SSH
- Root access: passwordless sudo from the cc account
- Chameleon admin access: enabled on the ccadmin account
- Cloud-init enabled on boot: yes
- Installed packages:
- Standard development tools such as make, gcc, etc.
- Config management tools: Ansible
- OpenStack command-line clients
- OpenStack Heat configuration agents
- Chameleon utilities: cc-snapshot, etrace2 (CPU power measurement), cc-cloudfuse (CHI)
- UEFI and BIOS compatible
Name: | Chameleon Project |
Contact: | help@chameleoncloud.org |
Name: | Chameleon Project |
Contact: | help@chameleoncloud.org |
Version: | 20230601 |
Created By: | zzhen on Dec. 16, 2021, 8:04 p.m. |
Updated By: | adamcooper@uchicago.edu on Oct. 22, 2024, 3:55 p.m. |